Welcome from Naheed Nenshi, Mayor of The City of Calgary

Naheed Nenshi

It is my pleasure, on behalf of The City of Calgary, to extend a warm welcome to the delegates attending the 2011 Inter-American Development Bank IIC Annual Meeting in March. I sincerely hope that you will join me in Calgary from March 25 to 28, 2011 and spend some time enjoying our vibrant community and the hospitality for which our great city is known.

With a metropolitan area population of 1.3 million, Calgary is the 3rd largest Canadian city. Calgary is known as a world-class host of international sporting and cultural events. Calgary is also the centre of a thriving energy sector and business community and governed by an innovative and progressive local government.

The City of Calgary is proud to have been the recipient of many international awards in the areas of urban planning, fiscal sustainability, governance, and environmental management. In support of the Inter-American Development Bank Annual Meeting, The City of Calgary and the IDB are hosting a Mayors Municipal Program for delegates during the conference.

The program will give delegates the opportunity to gain first-hand experience with some of Calgary's award-winning facilities and programs. It will include specially arranged tours that encourage developing relationships and sharing world-class knowledge and that highlight the technical advancement and innovation that has earned Calgary and Calgary-based businesses international recognition.

See you in March!


Naheed K. Nenshi

Mayors Program - Pursuing Urban Sustainability in the Americas

The City of Calgary, in partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank, is organizing a program for visiting mayors in support of the Inter-American Development Bank Annual Meeting.

The Mayor of Calgary, Naheed Nenshi, together with IDB President Moreno extended invitations to over 30 Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) municipalities and mayors. This is an opportunity for mayors from Canadian cities and their technical experts to meet with their LAC and U.S. peers, exchange technical expertise and discuss the opportunities and challenges inherent in pursuing sustainability goals and developing required urban infrastructure.

The Mayors Program is specially designed to encompass a variety of events, including keynote speaker events, industry tours and networking receptions, as well as opportunities to participate in the core program of the Annual Meeting, Private Sector and Youth Days events, and cultural and tourism-related activities. This program also provides a unique opportunity to develop relationships with members of Calgary's thriving business community through the collaboration of Calgary Economic Development, the Calgary Chamber of Commerce and the Province of Alberta.

For complete program of activities please refer to the following document.

All inquiries pertaining to the Mayors program should be directed to

Mr. Marek Drywa
Manager, Inter-American Development Bank Programs
Calgary Economic Development
