An alert message will display if a parking ban is in effect. Clicking on the detail link will provide more information on Snow Route Parking Bans.
Zoom to a more detailed community and street level view by clicking on the Grey layer of the map.
Use the map tools to zoom in and out on the map.
Select/deselect options by using the colour-coded check boxes. You can view snow routes by priority, traffic and road images, current Plow/ Sander locations, Snow Route Parking Bans 72 Hours and Snow Route Parking Bans Night.
Click Handicap Snow Route Exceptions button to get more information.
View the road conditions of a specific community by using the drop-down menu.
View required traffic and road conditions by clicking on a traffic camera icon.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur non lacus ac elit dictum auctor. Phasellus ultricies euismod molestie. Phasellus nec tortor massa, ac elementum erat. Aliquam tempus sagittis mauris, quis commodo magna commodo vel. Nam ac erat sem, a ullamcorper nulla. Proin cursus lobortis enim nec bibendum. Cras dignissim sem et ante hendrerit viverra. Donec ullamcorper porta vestibulum.
Nulla id tortor nisl, non sodales velit. Cras tempus metus ut mi scelerisque tristique. Nam eget ante nisi. Donec et pulvinar augue. Sed ut turpis enim, et adipiscing mauris. Nullam fermentum porta odio semper rhoncus. Donec sit amet imperdiet est. Fusce velit est, pretium at aliquet sed, consequat eget quam. Aliquam dignissim dolor nec ante posuere vulputate. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Mauris accumsan enim in ipsum pharetra non tempor metus faucibus. Suspendisse sodales lacus ornare ipsum interdum vitae dictum lacus eleifend. Cras id justo sit amet nulla varius volutpat quis quis lectus. Nulla ac mi ut tellus vestibulum aliquet. Sed faucibus posuere tortor sed fermentum. Maecenas interdum est sit amet est ornare vel elementum libero tincidunt. Aliquam pharetra fermentum velit, et malesuada lectus sollicitudin eu.
Sed gravida lacus adipiscing ante venenatis et varius tellus elementum. Quisque non leo in lacus faucibus tristique. Nulla adipiscing, ante quis consequat pulvinar, nisi tortor sodales turpis, a luctus risus tortor vel eros. Ut varius dignissim nisi id aliquet. Nullam sapien odio, pretium nec imperdiet eu, porta euismod magna. Nunc eleifend pretium turpis, eget adipiscing sapien malesuada non. Praesent blandit est a arcu porttitor ut porttitor nisl bibendum.
Pellentesque mattis sodales libero, at malesuada lectus dictum in. Vestibulum tempus, lacus sit amet pellentesque cursus, arcu risus molestie tellus, id iaculis elit tellus sed elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc odio, aliquam vitae elementum sed, rhoncus ac ante. Aenean non augue turpis. Donec dapibus sapien id arcu tristique eu congue nisi facilisis. Sed non est elit, tempor ornare urna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tortor ipsum, laoreet quis posuere a, fermentum nec urna. Duis non lectus odio, ut consectetur enim. Nullam erat quam, imperdiet nec posuere in, ultricies sed sapien. Proin consequat varius egestas. Sed accumsan sodales sem, et sollicitudin risus molestie ut. Mauris velit justo, ultrices non fermentum at, commodo et velit.
Main thoroughfares and the busiest roads in the city. These roadways carry more than 20,000 vehicles a day. Prior to and during a storm, crews will focus their attention on inbound major commuter routes during morning rush hour, and outbound routes during the evening rush. Deerfoot Trail and Stoney Trail are under provincial jurisdiction, and are not maintained by The City of Calgary. See the Alberta Motor Association website for provincial road conditions.
Calgary's feeder roads. These roadways carry between 5,000 and 20,000 vehicles a day.
While it's something we're working towards in the future, not all plows are outfitted with GPS technology. The number of plows in service varies depending on a variety of factors including weather, roads conditions and the time of day. Plows displayed on the map will differ drastically from what's actually out working on the roads. Additional vehicles will show up on the map as GPS equipment is added to the fleet. Roads are being plowed and sanded, and the map will be updated even if you don't see a plow icon in your area. As well, when a plow has completed its work or is in transit (i.e. blade up, not dispensing materials) it will not show up on the map.
A view of high-traffic areas throughout the city. Cameras will show images of traffic volumes and road conditions that may aid your commute. Some traffic cameras may show a multi-coloured test pattern, or display a "out of service/not available" message when being serviced or repaired. Please note that cameras may be slightly delayed due to network traffic.
Parking is prohibited on Snow Routes for 72 hours following a declaration of a Snow Event by The City.
Please note: The Snow Route Parking Ban designations are currently under review for the 2012/2013 season. We expect changes to be reflected on this map by the end of November, 2012. Please obey the Snow Route Parking Ban signs on designated roadways. We thank you for your patience.
To find out more information, visit
Parking is prohibited on these routes overnight (9 p.m.- 6 a.m.) following a declaration of a Snow Event by The City.
Please note: The Snow Route Parking Ban designations are currently under review for the 2012/2013 season. We expect changes to be reflected on this map by the end of November, 2012. Please obey the Snow Route Parking Ban signs on designated roadways. We thank you for your patience.
To find out more information, visit
Handicap on-street parking zone areas are exempt from the ban. Handicap on-street parking zones located in Snow Routes will continue to be available for parking at all times.